Under Jahangir Tareen, IPP will steer the nation toward prosperity: Firdous Ashiq Awan


In recent political discourse in Pakistan, the endorsement of Jahangir Tareen by Firdous Ashiq Awan has sparked debates and discussions. Tareen’s potential involvement in steering the nation toward prosperity, particularly in the energy sector, has become a focal point of attention.


Jahangir Tareen, a prominent figure in Pakistan’s political landscape, has a long-standing reputation in business and politics. His influence spans various sectors, and his return to active politics has garnered significant interest.

Firdous Ashiq Awan, a seasoned politician and former federal minister, has recently expressed her support for Tareen’s role in reshaping Pakistan’s economy, particularly focusing on the Independent Power Producers (IPPs).

Understanding IPPs and their Role:

Firdous Ashiq Awan IPPs play a crucial role in Pakistan’s energy sector, responsible for generating a significant portion of the country’s electricity. However, challenges such as inefficiencies, circular debt, and policy uncertainties have hindered their full potential.

Endorsement by Firdous Ashiq Awan:

Under Jahangir Tareen, IPP will steer the nation toward prosperity: Firdous Ashiq Awan
Under Jahangir Tareen, IPP will steer the nation toward prosperity: Firdous Ashiq Awan

Awan’s endorsement of Jahangir Tareen as a catalyst for change in the energy sector reflects a belief in his ability to bring about much-needed reforms and drive the nation toward prosperity. Her statement underscores the urgency of addressing the challenges faced by IPPs.

Vision for Prosperity:

Under Tareen’s leadership Firdous Ashiq Awan , there is a vision for revitalizing the energy sector, enhancing efficiency, and reducing reliance on costly imports. This vision aligns with broader goals of economic growth and development in Pakistan.

Challenges and Reforms:

The energy sector in Pakistan faces multifaceted challenges, including outdated infrastructure, governance issues, and financial constraints. Proposed reforms by IPPs aim to address these challenges and create a more conducive environment for investment and growth.

Analysis and Criticisms:

While Awan’s endorsement signals optimism, there are potential criticisms and controversies surrounding Tareen’s reentry into politics. Critics may question his motives and past controversies, highlighting the need for transparency and accountability.

Public Perception:

Public perception of Tareen’s role in politics varies, with some viewing him as a pragmatic leader capable of driving change, while others remain skeptical of his intentions. The response to his involvement will likely shape future political dynamics in Pakistan.

Comparisons and Accountability:

Comparisons with previous leadership in Pakistan shed light on the challenges and opportunities ahead. Tareen’s leadership will be scrutinized for its effectiveness in delivering on promises and ensuring accountability in policy making.

Future Outlook:

The future outlook under Tareen’s leadership hinges on the implementation of effective reforms, transparency in decision-making, and collaboration with stakeholders. The success of his tenure will be measured by tangible improvements in the energy sector and overall economic performance.

Istehkam-e-Pakistan Party (IPP) Spokesperson Firdous Ashiq Awan said on Thursday that her party will lead the country towards prosperity under the leadership of Patton-in-Chief Jahangir Khan Tareen. Firdous gave a birthday tribute to Allama Iqbal, the esteemed poet and religious scholar, at a news conference in Taxila. “The theory of self had been taught by Allama Iqbal.

The PTI was established in line with Iqbal’s own ideology. Whatever the outcome of the PTIHD’s application of Iqbal’s theory, Firdous took a lighthearted go at PTI.She taught Bushra Bibi, the former first lady, and Farah Gogi. The PTI has suffered, and the riches of the country have been looted by Farah Gogi and the previous first lady. Both Farah Gogi and Bushra Bibi had received billions of rupees.

“The economy of the nation was contracting, but Bushra Bibi and Farah Gogi’s families were getting richer,” And Firdous said.
Aleem Khan criticizes PTI.
Aleem Khan, President of the IPP, chastised the leader of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Thursday. Aleem Khan spoke to the Taxila public meeting, asking, “How can the person be sincere to us if he is not loyal to his own children?” The PTI head hasn’t seen his sons in the previous three and a half years. But after the struggles, he undoubtedly thought about his sons.
In 2011, there was not a single Councillor or nazim in the PTI. Our previous role had been as ministers. We were driven to engage in unconventional politics in order to impose restrictions on the nation.
“Jahangir Khan Tareen’s children were dragged into the bogus cases during the PTI’s tenure,” Aleem Khan said, highlighting the political vendetta during that time.
The PTI leader hadn’t even engaged the women in combat. The fictitious cases were likewise applied to the women. The IPP president said, “The PTI chief had no shame at all.”
“The PTI chief used to vow that meritocracy would prevail,” the speaker berated the PTI leader for his belief in meritocracy. But after he became office, everything altered.


In conclusion, Firdous Ashiq Awan’s endorsement of Jahangir Tareen as a catalyst for prosperity underscores the importance of addressing challenges in the energy sector. Tareen’s leadership presents an opportunity for meaningful reforms and economic growth, but it will require concerted efforts and collaboration to realize this vision.


  1. What is the significance of Firdous Ashiq Awan’s endorsement of Jahangir Tareen?Firdous Ashiq Awan’s endorsement of Jahangir Tareen holds significant importance in the realm of Pakistani politics and economics. As a seasoned politician with a notable background in governance, Awan’s support adds credibility to Tareen’s potential role in shaping the nation’s future.

    Awan’s endorsement signals a belief in Tareen’s capabilities to address pressing issues, particularly in the energy sector, where reforms are urgently needed. It also reflects a broader recognition within political circles of Tareen’s influence and potential to bring about positive change.

    Furthermore, Awan’s endorsement may serve to unite factions within the political landscape, as it highlights a common goal of economic prosperity and development. This unity can be instrumental in overcoming obstacles and implementing necessary reforms.

    Overall, Firdous Ashiq Awan’s endorsement of Jahangir Tareen carries weight in both political and public spheres, indicating a shared vision for progress and a potential pathway towards a brighter future for Pakistan.

  2. What are the main challenges facing Pakistan’s energy sector?The energy sector in Pakistan faces several significant challenges that hinder its efficiency and sustainability:
    1. Circular Debt: One of the most pressing issues is the accumulation of circular debt within the energy sector. This debt arises from the mismatch between the cost of generating electricity and the prices at which it is sold, leading to financial strains on power companies and the government.
    2. Capacity Shortages: Pakistan struggles with inadequate energy generation capacity to meet the growing demand. Power shortages result in frequent blackouts and load shedding, impacting businesses, industries, and daily life.
    3. Outdated Infrastructure: Much of Pakistan’s energy infrastructure is outdated and in need of modernization. Aging power plants and transmission lines contribute to inefficiencies and reliability issues in electricity supply.
    4. Fuel Supply Constraints: The reliance on imported fuels, such as oil and gas, exposes the energy sector to supply disruptions and price fluctuations in the global market. Diversification of energy sources is crucial for reducing dependence on imports.
    5. Policy Uncertainty: Inconsistent government policies and regulatory frameworks create uncertainty for investors in the energy sector. Clear and stable policies are essential to attract investment and foster sustainable development.
    6. Transmission and Distribution Losses: High transmission and distribution losses contribute to inefficiencies in the energy supply chain. Improving infrastructure and reducing losses are vital for enhancing the overall efficiency of the sector.
    7. Subsidy Burden: Subsidies on electricity tariffs strain government finances and distort market dynamics. Reforms are needed to rationalize subsidies and ensure equitable distribution of energy resources.

    Addressing these challenges requires concerted efforts from government authorities, private sector stakeholders, and international partners. Comprehensive reforms, investment in infrastructure, and adoption of renewable energy sources can pave the way for a more sustainable and resilient energy sector in Pakistan.

  3. How do Independent Power Producers contribute to the energy landscape in Pakistan?Independent Power Producers (IPPs) play a crucial role in Pakistan’s energy landscape by contributing to electricity generation and addressing the country’s growing energy needs. Here’s how IPPs contribute:
    1. Increased Generation Capacity: IPPs bolster Pakistan’s electricity generation capacity by constructing and operating power plants independently of the government. This helps bridge the gap between supply and demand, reducing power shortages and blackouts.
    2. Diversification of Energy Sources: IPPs utilise various energy sources, including coal, natural gas, hydroelectricity, and renewables like solar and wind. This diversification helps reduce reliance on any single fuel source, enhancing energy security and resilience.
    3. Private Investment: The involvement of IPPs attracts private investment in the energy sector, stimulating economic growth and job creation. Private financing enables the development of new power projects and infrastructure, supplementing government efforts in expanding the energy grid.
    4. Efficiency and Innovation: IPPs often employ modern technologies and best practices to enhance the efficiency and performance of power plants. This includes the adoption of cleaner and more efficient technologies, contributing to environmental sustainability.
    5. Long-Term Contracts: IPPs typically operate under long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs) with the government or utility companies. These contracts provide revenue certainty for investors, encouraging further investment in energy infrastructure.
    6. Grid Stability and Reliability: The electricity generated by IPPs contributes to grid stability and reliability, ensuring a steady supply of power to consumers. This is essential for supporting economic activities, industries, and households across the country.
    7. Competition and Market Dynamics: The presence of IPPs introduces competition in the energy market, driving efficiency and innovation. Competition incentives companies to improve performance, reduce costs, and deliver better services to consumers.

    Overall, Independent Power Producers play a vital role in meeting Pakistan’s energy demands, promoting sustainable development, and fostering economic growth. Their contributions complement government initiatives and help address the challenges facing the energy sector.


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