Wheat Can Be Extracted From The Heaven, Not From The Government of Pakistan
Wheat Can Be Extracted From The Heaven, Not From The Government of Pakistan

Wheat Can Be Extracted From The Heaven, Not From The Government of Pakistan

A country where according to the statistics of the World Food Organization, 35 percent of the population is constantly suffering from food insecurity and 18 percent of them have to think daily whether they will get bread in the evening or not. In such an environment, if the news comes that this time there has been a record crop of wheat, then the farmers should dance on the road for joy.

Farmers are dancing on the streets today, but they are struggling to protect themselves from the police batons. Because of what the previous caretaker government did to the farmers. The current government does not have the courage to deal with the crisis that arose from it. Rather, perhaps he does not fully understand the seriousness of the crisis.

Read more:https://www.istehkam-e-pak.pk/2024/05/improving-the-economy-of-pakistan/

More than the wheat crisis, the government is more worried about who will be on top within the royal family. The younger brother should make decisions on his own or take the elder brother along with him in every decision.

In order to see him happy, to reduce the pain of getting rid of Ishaq Dar from the hereditary Ministry of Finance, even though he was abroad on Sunday, he issued a notification to make him the Deputy Prime Minister?

Or else, in order to escape the taunts and taunts of the big brother, Rana Sanaullah should be forced to make him his advisor to break the very powerful parachute interior minister, Mohsin Naqvi, and the notification should include this phrase specifically that his position is federal. Will be equal to minister.

Now a day goes by that the presidency of the ruling party is going to be returned to Mian Nawaz Sharif, which was taken away from him by the Supreme Court during the Panama case and Shahbaz Sharif had to face the cloud.

Imran Khan and the military leadership were on the same page for one and a half years. But despite the restoration of the power of the Sharif family in Punjab and the center, the internal match is still there. Because of this, it seems that the conditional coordination between the donor government and the donors on the page may be phased out after the page budget.

In these circumstances, who can ask the millions of farmers who for the first time in history are also blushing for the issuance of certified government sacks for filling wheat.

The condition has been imposed that six sacks per acre will be issued only to those farmers whose land is six acres or less. And they will also be issued when the farmers contact through the app released by the Punjab government instead of submitting a written application like in the past. More than four lakh farmers are still waiting for the sacks despite applying on the app as well, which would have been released to them by mid-April as per the annual tradition.

Since the rulers themselves are businessmen and industrialists. Therefore, it cannot be explained to them that the farmer who owns six acres of land produces only enough wheat for household needs, or he can sell it in the market to reduce the cost of fertilizer, seed, diesel, and debt. can do Where does he have the wheat to give to the government which he fills in the sacks of the food department. And now he is afraid of cultivating the next crop.

But the worst aspect of this scandal is that in October, during the caretaker government, it was decided to import more than 3 million tons of wheat from abroad instead of 1 million tons. This decision was deliberately taken by this government to benefit a few people. Or he did not know that the new crop of wheat is going to be more than expected. Therefore, importing wheat from abroad will harm the local farmer.

Although the official rate of the new crop of wheat was announced in advance (3900 rupees). But the farmers were not told that the government will not buy four million tons of wheat from them like last year but will buy a maximum of two and a half million tons of wheat. Because despite the arrival of the new crop in April, there will be more than two million tons of wheat in the government warehouses.

So, instead of ignorantly revising their crop estimates, the farmers produced the same amount of wheat in the hope that the government would buy most of their crop as before.

Now the government is giving a lollipop to the farmers instead of forming an authoritative commission for a transparent investigation of this scandal that we can give you a subsidy of Rs. Can’t take full amount of wheat.

Therefore, inflation of wheat has become a collar on the neck of the farmer. Jahandida Aadhati is not willing to pay more than three thousand or thirty one hundred rupees per manna instead of 3900. After a few months, the same wheat will be sold to the flour mills for Rs. Will buy for twenty five rupees.

And to bring the price of the same bread to 16 rupees, the Punjab government has decided to re-start the same bankrupt cheap bread scheme by allocating 130 billion rupees to continue from 208 to 10. Loans had to be taken from banks and then this cheap bread scheme was drowned in the flood of 2000 with the loan.

But there is nothing to worry about. If there was no wheat crisis, there would have been scandals in sugar, cotton, gas and electricity prices. How is it possible that any year passes without a mega crisis and billions of rupees are not transferred from millions of pockets to a few pockets.


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